Roam Research – A note taking tool for networked thought.
As easy to use as a document. As powerful as a graph database. Roam helps you organize your research for the long haul.

What People are Saying
The most exciting piece of software I've yet tried... A replacement for the essay... has the potential to be as profound a mental prosthetic as hypertext.
The thing that's delighted me most about Roam has been how having it open in a tab affects my entire attitude about research. I feel like I'm playing learning: the video game.
Roam has enabled me to stop segmenting and limiting my thoughts before I’ve even fleshed them out. This flexibility has freed me up to write 3x more daily content than ever before.
Roam is the productivity tool that I didn't know I needed. It helps me organize thoughts and reduce the clutter in my head, something no productivity or organization tool has ever offered me before.
Researcher, Stanford University Department of Applied Physics
It took me 36 years and a dozen failed "systems" in different apps to figure out that knowledge is organized associatively, not hierarchically. Breakthroughs: bullet journal in Workflowy, then wiki in Bear, now daily auto-back-linked-wiki interconnected brain dumps in Roam.
Roam is amazing, note-writing on a totally new level - frictionless yet cohesive in a way that Evernote hasn't quite reached for me.
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